/ latin /. v., learn thoroughly
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Free or paid: features comparison

Do you want your practice set to be automatically graded or are you happy to do the grading yourself? Do you want students to receive feedback as they go, or are you willing for students to receive either no feedback at all, or only feedback that you deliver yourself after your students have submitted their entire practice set?

The price and features of your practice set depend on the functionality and submission format that you select:

Features Coffee & Café Supplier
Paper practice set
Coffee & Café Supplier
Excel practice set
All VirtualTutor
practice sets
  Paper icon Excel icon Online icon
Price (per student) FREE FREE $26.20
Available formats Paper Excel Online
Grading Instructor Instructor Automated
AntiCheat - - tick
Ongoing feedback - - tick
Back-on-track - - tick
(all free)
* Instructor companion
* Grading Guide
* Course handouts
* Perdisco's support team
* Instructor companion
* Grading Guide
* Course handouts
* Perdisco's support team
* Instructor companion
* Grading Guide
* Course handouts
* Perdisco's support team
* Student companion
* Helpful hints
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Free practice sets? What's the catch? There isn't one. If your undergraduate accounting course is taught at a government-recognised higher education body in Australia, you can adopt a Perdisco practice set and have your students complete it without paying any money to Perdisco.

There are no hidden costs and no advertising. Our free practice sets are just the same as those that the other publishers are charging your students up to $50 each for!

If you teach a postgraduate or corporate education course, please contact us for more information on pricing.

Why do we publish certain sets for free? Because, when you compare our free practice sets to everything else that Perdisco can achieve for you and your students using our VirtualTutor practice set, free is all we think a traditional paper practice set is actually worth! We are simply giving away what students are already taking for free anyway. If you use a practice set from another publisher today, many of your students are already (illegally) copying it and cheating by sharing or buying solutions from friends and prior students. Where's the $50 value in that? (For either you, your students or the publisher?)

So, why would you adopt a free practice set? Of course, while we are generally critical of traditional paper-bound practice sets, you are still using them in your courses because they have some academic merit (we also agree with this or we would not choose to publish them in our catalogue). In particular, if you want to encourage your students to undertake low-stakes self-study or active group collaboration on an accounting project, then a traditional paper-bound practice set is ideal. And you can now do this for free.

How does Perdisco's paid practice set compete with our free ones? By solving the problems of traditional paper practice sets and offering genuine value to you and your students. The problems solved are to stop cheating, to remove your grading and feedback workloads and to dramatically lower the price. While our feature-rich VirtualTutor online practice set does come at a cost to students, it is still a fraction of the price of many traditional practice sets on the market.

Since it is so functional, why is Perdisco's VirtualTutor practice set so affordable? We deliberately price our paid resources at a level that is realistic and achievable for students. We rely on our adopters, such as yourself, to continue using us across many semesters and recommending us to colleagues. If you like what we are doing, then please adopt us and tell others about our resources (we also publish a Financial Accounting textbook and E-Workbooks as well as practice sets).

Using a practice set in your course right now? If you compare your current practice set with what we have to offer, we're certain that Perdisco can provide you with all the value-added features you want, while still saving your students money.

More information

Contact us to find out more or to order a desk copy for your review.