/ latin /. v., learn thoroughly
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Textbook Features

A complete learning cycle

Students are guided through each chapter in a complete learning cycle that consists of the following steps:

Click on each step within the cycle to find out more

360Textbooks complete learning cycle

1. Chapter story

1. Chapter story

Every chapter begins with a story that introduces students to each new topic within a real-world context. The stories open up questions and considerations that are addressed throughout the chapter, so that students understand that statistics is all about drawing meaning from data.

2. Pop Quiz

1. Chapter story

Chapters are divided into sections, and each section starts with a short diagnostic Pop Quiz. The quizzes are designed for students to easily check their preliminary understanding of the section, so that they can scaffold their learning by determining which areas to focus on as they work through the content.

3. Theory

1. Chapter story

The theoretical content in each chapter uses a narrative approach to engage students, while clear learning goals steer their progress. Definitions, examples and key terms are highlighted to emphasise their importance, data is visually presented where appropriate and step-by-step guides connect the concepts of statistics with the formulas, calculations and other statistical tools available.

Watch a short video about the textbook's narrative theory

4. Classroom

1. Chapter story

The author has written an integrated series of lecture slides for each chapter, providing a concise summary of the material covered. The slide packs can be used in your class and are also made available to students online - helping them to prepare for class or to summarize the material covered.

5. VirtualTutor

5. VirtualTutor

To provide students with experience, each section ends with VirtualTutor practice questions that ask students to apply what they’ve learned to real-world situations. Employing algorithmic values and randomized contexts, the questions offer unlimited practice, personalized feedback and step-by-step solutions so that students immediately learn from their mistakes.

Watch a short video about the benefits of VirtualTutor

6. Videos and Podcasts

6. Videos and podcasts

Each chapter ends with a video summary of the major concepts covered within the chapter. It reminds students in an interesting visual way of the chapter’s key concepts, methods and techniques. An audio podcast of each summary is also available.

Watch a sample of a chapter summary video

7. Algorithmic Homework

1. Chapter story

Each section offers a bank of interactive homework questions for instructors to choose from - specifically designed for testing purposes. Our AntiCheat functionality ensures that each student receives unique contexts and numeric values, while our AutoGrade functionality assigns scores in an academically consistent and rigorous manner - providing immediate feedback to students and automated reports to you.

Is the textbook printed or online?

By now, you’re probably wondering how all of these features can fit into a printed textbook.

They can’t.

Textbook web interface screenshot

To encourage students to use all of the textbook’s interactive features, we’ve developed an intuitive online interface that immerses students in statistics within one convenient, online location.

Of course, students still have the choice to read the theory from a printed textbook. But here’s a few benefits of the online interface:

Online, anywhere

Rather than carrying around a heavy textbook, students can access all of the theory, videos, e-learning content, their notes and their homework online from anywhere - on campus, at home... even on the bus.

Content is optimized for slower connections and there’s no need to download or install any software - all you need is a web browser.


Each student’s activity within the textbook is recorded to form a summary of their engagement.

By showing students a history of what they have studied - be it reading, working through VirtualTutor practice questions or watching instructional videos, this feature helps students to keep on top of the content and identify any gaps in their coverage of the material.

Using the same feature, instructors can instantly track what their students are studying and how each is performing.